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Cuidado de la Piel Antienvejecimiento

Descubre nuestros poderosos productos antienvejecimiento para el cuidado de la piel, que incluyen lociones, cremas, sueros renovadores y regímenes paso a paso.

Régimen de preocupación primaria

Nuestra rutina de cuidado de la piel antienvejecimiento se simplifica con nuestra exclusiva Terapia Multi-Med, que proporciona los ingredientes adecuados, en las fórmulas adecuadas y en el orden correcto. Ahorra 20% al comprar un régimen en lugar de comprar cada producto individualmente.

Regímenes Multiacción R+F PAIRED

Regímenes personalizados que combinan nuestros productos más potentes para tratar diferentes problemas de la piel de forma simultánea. Ahorra al menos un 20% al comprar un régimen en lugar de comprar cada producto de forma individual.

Sueros y Tratamientos

Nuestros sueros y tratamientos brindan ingredientes poderosos para combatir la piel seca, el tono desigual de la piel y la aparición de arrugas.

Cremas para Ojos

La piel alrededor de los ojos es más delicada. Usa crema para los ojos para levantar, contornear y reducir visiblemente las ojeras.

Artículos de Régimen Individual

Limpia, tonifica, nutre y protege tu piel. Elige tu limpiador + humectantes. Obtén los mismos excelentes resultados con cualquier elección.

Sets de Régimen

¡Aumenta tus ahorros del 20% en los regímenes con un 15% de descuento adicional en nuestros sets económicos!

Common Questions About Anti-Aging Skincare

What are the benefits of vitamin A?

Vitamin A is an important nutrient that has many different benefits for your body.  It has been found to contribute to a healthier, more vibrant appearance by helping to brighten skin. It also assists in helping the skin look firmer. Vitamin A has been linked to a visible reduction in fine lines and wrinkles as well as visibly reducing the appearance of age spots, sun spots, and acne damage. When applied topically, vitamin A is absorbed by the skin, which lets you target specific areas as needed.

Is retinol the same as retinoid?

Retinol and retinoid are similar, as retinol is one type of retinoid. While both are used in anti-aging products, most traditional skin care products use retinol. Retinoid is typically used for prescription products while retinol is a main ingredient in non-prescription products. They both have effects on the skin’s dermis layer, and you can safely use both types of products. However, using both topically at the same time can make your facial skin feel too dry.

Common Questions About Anti-Aging Skincare

What are the benefits of vitamin A?

Vitamin A is an important nutrient that has many different benefits for your body.  It has been found to contribute to a healthier, more vibrant appearance by helping to brighten skin. It also assists in helping the skin look firmer. Vitamin A has been linked to a visible reduction in fine lines and wrinkles as well as visibly reducing the appearance of age spots, sun spots, and acne damage. When applied topically, vitamin A is absorbed by the skin, which lets you target specific areas as needed.

Is retinol the same as retinoid?

Retinol and retinoid are similar, as retinol is one type of retinoid. While both are used in anti-aging products, most traditional skin care products use retinol. Retinoid is typically used for prescription products while retinol is a main ingredient in non-prescription products. They both have effects on the skin’s dermis layer, and you can safely use both types of products. However, using both topically at the same time can make your facial skin feel too dry.